As we all are aware that our beloved prime minister Mr. Narendra Modi has asked us all for a task. Yes , on 5th April 2020, Sunday he has asked fellow Indians to stay at home and light a diya, candle or even light from our mobile phones at 9 pm, for 9 minutes after switching off all the lights of house.
This can be done at our main door or balconies. Easy and simple task as it may appear to all,we can not deny astrological background behind this act.
Our Hindu religion is based on “mahurat” system for any activity. It’s like a torchbearer for any event. A strong mahurat will remove negativity and blockages which we have in our life. It also helps us to put across bad or negative event like pandemic which we all are facing currently to diminish.

What The time 9pm time denotes? Let’s see. The lagna will be tula lagna is a chara or fast going lagna. It denotes fastest cure in health sector. It’s aspected by rahu, saturn and ketu. 7 house is highly effective here.It’s air tatva , which means it spreads through air causing respiratory diseases. Mr Modi himself would have thought about this or somebody would have been suggested this idea.
Looking as per Mahurata, we can say so this is actually a very bad mahurata,but we shall use it to our benefit. It is also known as the Dur mahurata but we have to be strong willed so as to forego many of the negative things ourselves.
This lagna is also air tatva due to which we are all facing coronavirus. We all know that it spreads through the airy medium effecting the respiratory system.This lagna is very apt for the mahurat selected for this activity.
For any cure the fifth house is very very important Here in the fifth house we have mercury the ninth Lord sitting and bringing the Divine’s grace. Rahu is expecting this ninth aspect of mercury which is divine ninth Lord for luck or higher medicinal value sitting in the fifth house Saturn which denotes the cure.
In the fourth house there are three slow-moving pair planets one is the Jupiter and Saturn and next to the dreaded Mars sitting in the fourth house removes lot of blemishes from the chart. The ninth house rahu will bring lot of good things in life and Ketu in the third house will also do good here.
Sun who is the lord of the 11th aspecting the 12th house makes a refinement in early cure then Lagnadi pati sitting in the eighth house he is having an ill placement.
It’s due to this dur mahurata that lights have to be switched off and the natural light like our diya or our candle light which is lit at this time. It gives us rejuvenated hope from the universe that this pandemic will not last for many days and we definitely have a good times coming ahead.
Common people will also gain through this. The lagna selected may be by chance or by design or by default whatever it might be is a very powerful Mahurata where we all collectively fold our hands and pray to the Almighty that this pandemic which has created havoc in our lives and which has broken down our confidence which has also given us a downfall in our economy and making us non hope will definitely create a good ray of light in our future to come.
God will definitely help us as humanity will join hands in doing this task and ensuring we all live a healthy lifestyle in future days.